
  • Pain Management
    • Chiropractic

      What Does a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) Do?

      All doctors use a standard procedure to evaluate and diagnose a patient's condition in order to arrive at a plan of treatment. In Motion’s Chiropractors use many of the same time honoured methods used throughout the various health care professions including consultation, case history, physical examination, and possibly x-rays. Thus, there may be very little difference comparing an initial chiropractic and medical consultation. However, your chiropractor at In Motion will perform a thorough functional examination to determine the mobility of the body’s joints and the strength and length of specific muscles. 

      How Do Doctors of Chiropractic Locate the Problem? 

      The patient history identifies the area(s) of complaint. Questions about family history, dietary habits, past history of other treatment(s) (chiropractic, osteopathic, medical and other), occupational history, psychosocial history, etc. will be asked to help determine the nature of the illness.

      Following the consultation and case history, a physical examination will be performed.  Identifying and treating weak links in the kinetic chain, or postural adaptations sometimes quite distant from the area of initial concern is often necessary to fully evaluate and resolve a complaint. This process may include both joint manipulation as well as muscular balancing through strengthening of under-active muscles and/or inhibiting/relaxing over-active muscles. It may also include stabilizing the pelvis through the use of corrective prescription orthotics, especially if ankle pronation, pes planus (flat feet), and/or subtalar instability are present. A combination of any of these treatment approaches usually results in a more beneficial, long-term result. 


      Cardiovascular and strengthening exercises are important in the management of low back pain, and a variety of other musculoskeletal complaints. Specific instructions are given with respect to proper exercise for the patient's condition before beginning any exercise program. In general, a reasonable amount of exercise performed daily utilizing activities that are enjoyed is recommended. This may include walking and many forms of work and/or household tasks can function as an exercise program.

      In general, exercise helps promote proper digestion, keeps the muscles in proper tone and promotes better circulation. It can be as easy as walking briskly around the block once or twice after dinner. The important point is to get In Motion!

    • Physiotherapy

      Physiotherapy is an important part of health care service. It aims to reduce pain, gain strength and flexibility by evaluating and restoring strength, endurance, movement and physical abilities affected by injury, disease or disability. Physiotherapy offers a variety of hands-on treatments, exercises and education that help maximize one's ability to function.
      The focus is on drug-free pain relief and maximum function. During an assessment the physiotherapist will ask questions regarding medical history and the cause of the injury. Observations are made regarding movement, posture and balance. Various tests are performed to assess joints, muscles, ligaments and nerves. An individualized treatment plan is then developed with the aim of restoring normal function and mobility.

      We are happy to be be able to offer both an onsite physiotherapy assessment and treatment and/or a virtual physiotherapy assessment that would be completed by a registered Physiotherapist and then a Treatment Plan will be administered by an onsite Physiotherapy Assistants. 

    • Massage Therapy

      Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) are health care professionals committed to restoring and maintaining optimal health and pain-free function of the body. The RMT’s at In Motion are educated and trained to accurately assess and treat with techniques that include massage and manual therapy, rehabilitative exercise such as stretching, strengthening, postural exercise and patient education. 

      Massage Therapy is an effective approach to pain management and rehabilitation. RMTs are effective in treating and providing relief for a wide range of conditions such as migraine headaches, tendonitis, arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, as well as many other common conditions related to soft tissue and joint dysfunction.

      Massage therapy alleviates muscular stiffness, tension and pain while promoting optimum musculoskeletal health. With a variety of hands-on methods, a skilled therapist stretches and loosens muscles and connective tissue, and also greatly improves blood flow to the heart and movement of lymph throughout the body.

      The therapist's hands speed the removal of metabolic waste products resulting from exercise or inactivity, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to reach the cells and tissues. Sensory receptors in skin and muscles, "wake-up", bringing new awareness to areas that have felt "cut-off" by chronic tension. All this translates into an amazing number of positive results.

      We are also happy to offer Indie Head Massage - a therapeutic technique rooted in Ayurvedic traditions. It focuses on massaging the upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face, promoting relaxation and well being. It is great for people who are experiencing stress, anxiety or mental fatigue, suffer from headaches or migraines, have tension in their neck and shoulders, people with sleep disorders or people with dry scalp, dandruff or other hair issues. Nourishing oils as well as specific essential oils are added to calm the mind, improve scalp health, promote hair growth, alleviate headaches and hydrate your hair.

      Whether it is to treat an injury, ease work-related tension or just to treat yourself, book your appointment with one of the skilled Massage Therapists at In Motion today!

    • Therapeutic Massage

      There are many ways that your massage therapist can help you to feel and perform better.  The massage therapists at In Motion can provide a variety of treatment options that are geared toward the goals that you have for your care.  With a Therapeutic Massage, your therapist will take your health history and physical examination findings into account as they formulate a treatment plan that is geared toward correcting and improving tissue function in an area of injury or dysfunction.  The therapists will employ a variety of techniques to help your body to heal faster and move better.  Therapeutic massage sessions can be performed in isolation or as part of a more comprehensive care plan that may include one or more of our other services at the same time.  As always, our goal is to get you back doing the things you love to do, as fast as possible.    

    • Sport Massage

      Sport massage at In Motion is a session focused on improving tissue performance.  At In Motion, our athletes know their bodies and know that the sports they love place repetitive stress and loads on their tissues.  These repetitive strains create adhesions, tension and stiffness that can cause pain and hamper performance in the long run.  With a sports massage at In Motion, your therapist will use a variety of techniques that will keep you performing at your best and on your terms.    

    • Relaxation Massage

      Life is busy.  The stress and strain of our busy lives has a way of creeping into our necks, shoulders and backs, leading to pain, tension and headaches.  So what should we do to manage these insidious complaints?  One option is to get a relaxation massage at In Motion.  In a relaxation massage your therapist will create a serene and calming environment for your treatment, using a variety of techniques to melt tension away from your muscles and free your body from tension and pain.  You will emerge from your relaxation massage feeling restored and ready to tackle your day. 

    • Laser Therapy

      In Motion utilizes the Theralase® superpulsed laser system that can penetrate up to 5 inches (12.7 cm) into tissue, to promote cellular regeneration at the source of injury. Laser energy helps to repair damaged cells by accelerating the body's natural healing mechanisms. Depending on the severity of the injury, you can return to an active lifestyle pain-free within a few weeks.

      Theralase® therapeutic laser treatments provide you with a safe, effective and painless therapy that uses the body's own natural healing systems to relieve pain, increase joint mobility, increase tissue integrity and promote cell regeneration.

      Theralase® lasers offer treatment for acute and chronic pain conditions. Our lasers help you regain the active and healthy lifestyle you yearn for by utilizing the power of light energy.

      Over 4,000 clinical studies worldwide have proven the success of therapeutic lasers in the healing of neural muscular-skeletal conditions. Call today to see how laser therapy can help you achieve your goals.

    • Shockwave Therapy

      What is extracorporeal radial shockwave therapy?

      Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy is a series of high - energy percussions to the affected area. The shockwave is a physical sound wave "shock", not an electric one.


      How does it work?

      *    Treatment produces an inflammatory response. The body responds by increasing metabolic activity around the site of pain. This stimulates and accelerates the healing process (promotes the remodeling of dysfunctional collagenous tissues, such as tendinopathies, trigger points, muscle strains, etc.).

      *    Shockwaves break down scar tissue and/or calcification

      *    Transmission of pain is diminished through neurological mechanisms (inhibition of nociceptors)


      What are the benefits of Shockwave Treatment?

      This therapy stimulates the body's natural self - healing process. There is actually an immediate reduction of pain and improved range of motion.


      How long does the treatment last?

      Approximately 2000 shocks are administered per treatment area (the duration of which is approximately 5 minutes). Some patients and/or conditions require more shocks and duration, depending on severity and chronicity (how long the condition or injury has existed).


      How many treatments will I need?

      Normally three to five treatments are necessary at weekly intervals; there is a small possibility that 2 or more additional treatments may be necessary if your condition is very chronic. Should you not respond in this time, your case will be reviewed to determine an appropriate referral. 

    • Cupping


      Cups use negative pressure and create a vacuum-like suction on the skin.  This pulls and separates the tissues being targeted, to create space within.  This naturally frees adhered or “sticky” areas in the body.  This can also draw out interstitial debris which may be trapped or stagnant within the soft tissues (for example – lactic acid built up after a sporting event).

      By creating this vacuum, cupping stimulates and guides fluids through the networks in the body, causing vasodilation (increased blood flow).  Cups may be used to perform stationary, lift & release or moving techniques (each with a different purpose in mind).  The suction level can range from light to heavy; larger cups for a more general and relaxing treatment, to smaller cups for a more specific and stimulating treatment.  A full cupping treatment can last anywhere from 15 minutes to a full hour.



      Encourage fluid exchange and circulation

      Facilitate the breakdown of adhesions/restrictions/scars

      Lift, hydrate, and manipulate fascia

      Create micro trauma in tissues (necessary for healing)

      Bring nutrients & oxygen to deficient tissues (neovascularization)

      Decrease pain & stress, muscle hypertonicity (tense muscles), inflammation/swelling

      Increase ROM (range of motion)


      Virtually anything that can be treated by other bodywork therapies (i.e. massage therapy, physiotherapy, chiropractic care, etc.) can be treated by cups.  Various conditions of chronic or acute nature can be relieved with minimal discomfort, as tense muscles soften quickly and easily.

      Other examples of conditions treatable by cupping are sprain/strains, post-surgery adhesions, edema, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, colon disorders and more.

      Cupping is safe to use with a wide range of people from all age groups.  It can be used as a stand-alone treatment, or in correlation with other therapies such as massage therapy, physiotherapy and chiropractic care.  As with most therapies, cupping results are cumulative; however, there can be amazing results in only one treatment. 

    • Medical Acupunture

      The classical Chinese explanation is that channels of energy run in regular patterns through the body and over its surface. These energy channels, called meridians, are like rivers flowing through the body to irrigate and nourish the tissues. An obstruction in the movement of these energy rivers is like a dam that backs up in others.

      The meridians can be influenced by needling the acupuncture points; the acupuncture needles unblock the obstructions at the dams, and reestablish the regular flow through the meridians. Acupuncture treatments can therefore help the body's internal organs to correct imbalances in their digestion, absorption, and energy production activities, and in the circulation of their energy through the meridians.

      An initial assessment and treatment will be followed, typically, by 4-6 more treatments over a period of two weeks. At the end of the initial two weeks, the effectiveness of the treatments will be re-evaluated and the decision to continue with further treatments, and how often, will be discussed between the chiropractor and the client. Most individuals will notice immediate results the same day as the treatment. For headache acupuncture, the headache is often dissipated drastically or eliminated before the end of the first treatment. It may take several treatments for some individuals to start feeling the positive results of the acupuncture.

    • Orthotic Therapy

      In the last several years, there has been an increasing amount of research regarding the association of foot biomechanics and low back pain. This is an area that chiropractic has dealt with for years as clinical trials revealed improvement in back pain when problems associated with the feet were attended to.

      The most common problem with the feet that is associated with low back pain is that of flat footedness, technically termed pes planus. Equally, if not more important, is the falling inward of the ankle which is technically termed ankle pronation. These two conditions often coincide and tend to leave the individual with increased stress on the ankles and knees and an unstable pelvis. The analogy is similar to a card table with the legs partially folded creating an unstable table top. This analogy is accurate in that the increased "knocking" inward of the knees produced by ankle pronation and pes planus produces a less stable pelvis in a similar manner.

      There are two primary varieties of flat feet, one we are born with (congenital) and the other is acquired. In the more common variety (acquired flexible flat footedness), the ligaments and tissues that hold the joints together simply fail due to time and weight bearing over the years. It has been estimated that up to 80% of individuals over the age of 30 tend to possess some degree of ankle pronation and flat footedness, and this appears magnified in those who hold occupations demanding prolonged standing positions.

      The treatment for this condition is the utilization of custom prescription foot orthotics. In Motion uses the Orthotic Group gait scan system to generate a computer image of the pressures generated by the foot while walking which is then combined with a talar-neutral foot cast which combine to create an individualized orthotic. The orthotic is truly a "prescription" made to only fit one individual.

      If you have had problems in the knee, hip, groin, or low back regions or have foot or ankle complaints, and you feel you may be a candidate for this type of service, it would be appropriate to have your condition assessed.

    • Sports Injury Bracing

      Orthopaedic and injury bracing can give extra external support to joints that are entering the rehabilitation phase or those that remain unstable despite appropriate therapy (e.g., ankle sprains, ACL injuries). In certain cases bracing may allow you to return to sports or recreational activities sooner and safer with appropriate bracing. In Motion offers the full range of DonJoy and Ossur Bracing Products including soft braces (e.g., ankle, knee, elbow, back), custom ACL and Osteoarthritis (OA) knee braces.  The cost of braces may be covered through extended health insurance.

    • Compression Stockings


      Who should wear Gradient Compression hosiery?

      People who have, or are experiencing, any of the following conditions can benefit from wearing gradient compression hosiery:

      - Chronic venous insufficiency
      - Moderate to severe varicose veins
      - Tired, aching fatigued legs
      - Swollen feet, ankles, and legs
      - People who either stand or sit for long periods of time
      - Schlerotherapy
      - Lymphedema
      - Obesity
      - Family history of venous leg disorders
      - Expectant mothers

      Additionally, many individuals without preceding conditions simply appreciate wearing gradient compression hosiery and love the way it makes their legs feel!

      What does Gradient Compression hosiery do?

      - Delivers a controlled amount of pressure to the legs
      - Supports the venous and lymphatic system and prevents poor circulation
      - Promotes better venous blood flow which in turn helps prevent and control vein-related diseases.

      In Motion partners with Sigvaris - the world leader in compression. 

    • Chiropody/Foot Care

      The practice of Chiropody/Podiatry is a Regulated Health Profession, involving the assessment of the foot and the treatment and prevention of diseases, disorders or dysfunctions of the foot by therapeutic, orthotic or palliative means.

      Chiropodists/Podiatrists are primary care providers, able to carry out consultations, assessments, and diagnose lower limb/foot disorders, as well as provide any necessary treatments and subsequent prescriptions, if needed. 

      The following services are provided, (but are not limited to):

      Lower limb, foot, and ankle injuries (sports medicine); dermatological and nail care; soft-tissue surgeries; nail surgeries; arch pain; biomechanical assessments, footwear, and orthotics; diabetic consultation/treatment; prescriptions for NSAID’s, antibiotics, and/or antifungals; pharmacological care and injections; compression stockings; and treatment using therapeutic modalities (TENS, ultrasound. Etc.)       

      Referrals from your family doctor are not required, but are welcome. 

      See Adam your Chiropodist/ Podiatrist to keep both feet on the ground, and In Motion

    • Active Release Techniques

      What is Active Release Technique (ART)?

      ART is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. These conditions all have one important thing in common: they are often a result of overused muscles.

      How do overuse conditions occur?

      Over-used muscles (and other soft tissues) change in three important ways:

      - Acute conditions (pulls, tears, collisions, etc),
      - Accumulation of small tears (micro-trauma)
      - Not getting enough oxygen (hypoxia).

      Each of these factors can cause your body to produce tough, dense scar tissue in the affected area. This scar tissue binds up and ties down tissues that need to move freely. As scar tissue builds up, muscles become shorter and weaker, tension on tendons causes tendonitis, and nerves can become trapped. This can cause reduced range of motion, loss of strength, and pain. If a nerve is trapped you may also feel tingling, numbness, and weakness. 

      What is an ART treatment like?

      Every ART session is actually a combination of examination and treatment therapy. The ART provider uses his or her hands to evaluate the texture, tightness and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Abnormal tissues are treated by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements.

      These treatment protocols - over 500 specific moves - are unique to ART. They allow providers to identify and correct the specific problems that are affecting each individual patient. ART is not a cookie-cutter approach.

      What is the history of Active Release Techniques?

      ART has been developed, refined, and patented by P. Michael Leahy, DC, CCSP. Dr. Leahy noticed that his patients’ symptoms seemed to be related to changes in their soft tissue that could be felt by hand. By observing how muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves responded to different types of work, Dr. Leahy was able to consistently resolve over 90% of his patients’ problems. He now teaches and certifies health care providers all over the world to use ART.

  • Rehabilitation
    • Post-Concussion Rehab

      What Is a Concussion?

      A concussion is defined as a mild traumatic brain injury resulting from a blow to the head or neck, with or without loss of consciousness. The injury alters the brains chemistry and causes a constellation of physical, cognitive, emotional, and sleep-related symptoms such as: headache, difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, light & sound sensitivity, balance problems, anxiety, sadness, fatigue, and insomnia to name but a few.

      How Long Will it Last?

      The majority of people recover quickly and fully, but everyone is different. The time course is variable for each individual with symptoms lasting days to weeks or longer. In general, recovery is slowest in young children, teens, and older adults as well as for those who have suffered a concussion in the past.

      What Should I Do?

      First and foremost, the brain requires rest to heal. This entails complete mental and physical rest from all activities until symptoms resolve. A medically supervised rehabilitation protocol is advised before returning to activity, especially high intensity and contact sports.

      Certified by the American College of Sports Medicine, In Motion’s Post-Concussion Rehabilitation Program utilizes a stepwise protocol to safely return athletes to sport after being sidelined by a concussion. The program features a 5 step return-to-sport treatment plan that combines symptomatic care with the management of cognitive and coordination deficits.

    • Injury Prevention Program for Athletes

      Why an injury prevention program?

      Many ACL injuries result from improper landing and mechanical faults. In the majority of cases, the non-contact ACL injury occurs during landing from a jump or stopping to change directions. Female athletes are several times more prone to non-contact ACL injuries than male athletes.

      Athletes must be taught the proper techniques of how to run, jump, land, and move before they execute endless amounts of drills and exercises in team practices.

      What is the purpose of the program?

      The main purpose is to reduce the risk of knee, ankle, and leg injuries through the proper execution of change-of-direction and landing techniques.

      What is the basis of the program?

      The Sport Injury Prevention Program incorporates the basic principles of acceleration, deceleration, and change-of-direction of the Sport Specific Speed program.

      The program goes further by emphasizing landing technique, balance, and specific strength development. Strength is improved through bodyweight activities specific to skills such as deceleration, change-of-direction, and landing.

      The program is delivered with a low instructor-athlete ratio.

    • Pre-Surgical Rehabilitation

      Patients preparing for joint replacement surgery may be referred by the surgeon for pre-operative rehabilitation (Prehab).

      The goal of Prehab is to help you be as well-conditioned as possible prior to surgery to enhance your post-operative recovery, and to understand the therapy routine that you will need to be involved in after surgery.

      Prehab is accomplished in the few weeks before surgery:

      Patients meet with a physical therapist for an assessment of their current mobility status and home set-up.

      They learn a home exercise program at the first Prehab visit.

      Two to three follow-up visits allow the patient a chance to show the therapist their progress with movement and strengthening.

      Patients learn how to move safely with the new joint when completing daily activities such as stairs, bathing and dressing.

      Patients learn how to utilize the devices used with their recovery, such as a walker, crutches or cane.

      If you are planning on a joint replacement surgery, plan to do everything you can to guarantee a successful outcome!  Contact our professionals today to see how we can work with you to ensure that your surgery is a resounding success. 

    • Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

      At In Motion, our team will take time to thoroughly assess your functional status following your surgery. This will involve analyzing your gait and range of joint motion, strength and levels of pain. As well as a thorough physical examination, our individual therapists will take into consideration your previous level of function, sporting abilities and activities so that we can tailor an individualized program to help you meet your rehabilitation goals.

      Our personalized approach to care is designed to help achieve excellent outcomes. We know that each person’s rehabilitation after surgery is a different experience and everybody has different goals to strive for.

      The frequency of outpatient physiotherapy following your surgery depends on the type of surgery you have had and your functional status. Often our team would strive to see you on a regular basis, several times weekly in the earlier stages to ensure that your rehabilitation is progressing well and that the program is meeting your needs.  As always at In Motion, our goal is to ensure you return to doing the things you love to do as soon as possible.

    • Injury Rehabilitation

      Whether on the job, on the field or around the house an injury can slow you down and keep you from doing the things you love.  And you know that the first place to go following an injury is to the trusted professionals at In Motion.  But even once you have resolved the pain of that injury, certain injuries will leave you with persistent instabilities or weakness that must be addressed through structured rehabilitation. 

      At In Motion we provide one-on-one rehabilitation sessions with our certified Kinesiologists that will help you restore full strength, flexibility and function.  In most instances these sessions will be covered by your extended health insurance, either through direct coverage for kinesiology or through your referring health care provider.  With the option for 30 or 60 minute sessions, we will ensure that you receive the rehab that you need to get you back doing the things you love to do!  Don’t wonder if your injury is healed up.  Prove to yourself that it is!  This is your Life.  Live it!  Get In Motion!

    • Seniors Activation Program

      We all know that we can’t stop time from ticking or the years from passing us by.  What we can do, however, is decide how we want to age.  At In Motion, we believe that age is just a number and that how we live our lives is what matters. 

      We want our clients to be as active as possible because we know that exercise truly is the best medicine!  To that end we offer our clients tailored fitness solutions geared for helping you maintain function and performance into your senior years.  Because we are a team of health and fitness professionals we can assess your functional capacity and design a program that takes into account your current functional status and health conditions.  We will build a rehabilitation program that is truly catered to your abilities and your goals. 

      Why wonder about what exercises to do at the gym or if your personal trainer really knows what your limitations are?  Instead, see the professionals.  Because at In Motion getting you moving and keeping you moving is what we do best.  Call us today to learn how we can help you. 

  • Injury Prevention
    • Dietitian Services

      Stefanie Senior, Registered Dietician & Sports Nutritionist

      Stefanie Senior is one of the leading registered dieticians and sports nutritionists in Toronto. She specializes in weight management, eating for exercise and athletic performance, and corporate wellness. Stefanie Senior, RD offers registered dietician and sports nutrition services in the GTA and runs a private practice at Athletic Edge Sports Medicine and online via Skype for In Motion. Stefanie offers nutrition counselling, weight management programs and support groups and creates customized meal plans based on food preferences, lifestyle and goals. Stefanie is also a professor in food and nutrition at the Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts at George Brown College and the in-house dietician and spokesperson for the CBC Live Right Now campaign. Stefanie is a professional speaker who uses dynamic and interactive seminars to teach simple, powerful and sustainable strategies for achieving optimal health, energy and wellbeing. The energetic nutrition guru has appeared on CP24, CTV, Rogers Live, CBC television and radio, Canada AM and has interviewed for articles published in the Toronto Star, Canadian Living, Best Health Magazine, Chatelaine, the Huffington Post, and the Toronto Observer. Stefanie studied dietetics at the University of British Columbia and completed a post-graduate dietetic internship program at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. Previous to entering the field of dietetics, she did a Bachelor of Science degree, with a major in Psychology at the University of Guelph and worked as a Personal Trainer in Vancouver, British Columbia. Stefanie has a unique approach to her practice and provides advice that is realistic, easy to follow and emphasizes stepwise change, balance and flexibility. She is a firm believer that small, gradual changes to an individual’s eating and exercising regimen coupled with patience, commitment and a positive attitude can lead to permanent lifestyle change and a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. In her spare time, Stefanie enjoys being active, cooking, travelling and experiencing the newest restaurants and food trends in Toronto and across the globe. Stefanie is excited to join the In Motion Team to offer high quality nutrition and weight loss counselling via Skype.

    • Personal Training

      Exercise is the key to a healthy life. It strengthens the heart and lungs, lowers blood pressure, and protects against many degenerative condition. It gives you more energy, improves sleep and helps lessen stress.

      The benefits of a Fitness Training Program developed by In Motion can include: weight loss, decreased body fat, recovery from injury, improved athletic performance, and reduction of health risks. Exercise can strengthen bones, slowing down the progress of osteoporosis and other degenerative conditions. 

      Many of us suffer from ailments, which affect our health. Among these ailments are Stress, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Arthritis, and Osteoporosis. A regular Fitness Training Program will relieve and in some cases, eliminate these conditions. A proper diet combined with regular physical activity will provide a longer, happier and healthier life.

      All individuals and athletes are different, so to is their training. In Motion customizes and periodizes each training program to ensure optimal performance and progression. 

      Your program begins with a complete fitness assessment, which includes body composition, circumference measurements and blood pressure. It also includes a movement assessment to assess posture, flexibility, and to uncover dysfunctional movement patterns and muscle imbalances.  Whether your goal is weight loss or improved sport performance the Performance Team at In Motion work with you to create S.M.A.R.T. goals and provide and path and the support you need to achieve your dreams.

      - Specific
      - Measurable
      - Attainable
      - Realistic
      - Time Frame

      In Motion provides comprehensive conditioning and sports specific training programs and nutritional packages geared towards developing the physical tools and individual skills necessary for improving physical and athletic performance.  Our goal is to develop the athlete within you.

      In Motion specializes in off-season and in-season functional sport-specific training focusing on:

      - Footwork, Coordination, Proprioception
      - Acceleration and Deceleration
      - Core Stability and Dynamic Balance
      - Strength and Power
      - Energy Training- Anaerobic and Aerobic

      Because athletic performance relies heavily upon adeptness of various "movement skills", each program is initiated with a biomechanical analysis of your sport and an identification of key parameters to target for improvement. Training programs are then developed to challenge current abilities with focus on balance, body position, foot-ground relations as well as angles of force. Emphasis on specificity ensures that exercise and drill selection are "functional" and promote sports specific strength, power and speed with the ultimate result of an enhanced ability to react, respond and move.

    • Benefit of Personal Training

      Everyone can benefit from Personal Training. Your trainer will design an individual fitness program to suit your needs and goals. You will be shown which exercises would be most beneficial to you and how to perform them to safety to prevent injury.

      What does a Personal Training Package include?

      Your personal training package includes a Fitness Assessment, and one-on-one fitness training sessions with a certified personal trainer. A fitness assessment is the best way to find out your level of health and fitness. It provides information on how to safely and effectively improve your fitness level. The results are used to design a personalized program to help you achieve your goals.

      Included in the program:

      - Exercise demonstration
      - Technique correction
      - Proper weight to use
      - Sets and repetitions
      - Cardiovascular exercises
      - Proper use of equipment


      Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle or train for an event, we will get you started on the right track. With consistent work and dedication, you’ll be sure to see results!


      - Develop safe and effective exercise techniques
      - Information to help make fitness a part of a healthy lifestyle


      - Learn new training routines and exercises
      - Increase your fitness level


      - New Challenges and techniques to make every repetition count

  • What Are Your Symptoms
    • Neck Pain

      The last thing anyone wants to deal with is a pain in the neck. Yet for many people a pain in the neck is a constant companion. There are several causes of neck pain and most arise from posture or maintaining an unnatural position of the head and neck without any support. It can occur quickly as in a whiplash car accident. Or over a period of time as when you are absorbed in a good book and keep the head bent forward, when you sleep on your stomach with your head turned to one side at night, or when you hold the phone between your ear and your shoulder. Whatever the cause, neck pain lowers the quality of your work and leisure time. There is a solution. Chiropractic can help you regain that quality of life by decreasing your pain and restoring the function of your neck, while also educating you on prevention.

      Neck Pain at the Office

      Neck pain is perhaps the single most common problem we see affecting office workers. It can be caused by several factors inherent in the modern office, including;

      - Position & height of the computer monitor
      - Keyboard height
      - The position of information being transposed onto the computer in relation to the monitor
      - The firmness of the chair back & its relation to posture
      - Holding the phone with your shoulder

      The most common postural problem seen is what is known as a head-forward posture. This occurs when the head is held in a position in which the chin is poked forward and the lower part of the neck and upper mid-back are held in a forward bent position. This results in:

      - Tightness and shortening of the muscles at the base of the skull, which usually leads to headaches,
      - Stretching of the ligaments of the middle part of the neck resulting in excessive movement in spinal joints, leading to pain and eventually to pressure on the nerves in the neck,stiffness within the lower neck and upper back, leading to stretching and weakness in the neck muscles and pain in the lower neck and shoulders.

    • Whiplash

      Whiplash usually occurs as a result of a car accident and involves pain, stiffness and other symptoms which typically start within the first 2 days after the accident.   Other symptoms include headache, dizziness and anxiety. Active treatment and exercise help with return to normal activity.  Physical activity releases body chemicals that help reduce pain in a natural way. To prevent chronic pain it is important to start moving as soon as possible.  An assessment from one of our chiropractors will give you a specific diagnosis and discuss treatment options, pain control and possible referrals with you.

      If you have whiplash…

      A spine care specialist can help relieve the pain of whiplash and regain range of motion. Follow your health care professional's instructions carefully. Remain active and do the exercises that you are taught to improve your posture and reduce the strain on your neck. Remember that, with proper care and patience, you are likely to recover from whiplash.

    • Headaches

      It is estimated that eighty to ninety percent of the Canadian population experiences headaches at least once or more per year. There are two general types of headaches, primary and secondary. Primary headaches account for 95% of all headaches which include muscle tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches. Secondary headaches account for about 5% of headaches and are the result of physiological problems such as tumor, sinusitis, and meningitis.

      Recently, at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery at the University of Maryland, a new anatomical discovery has provided an anatomical basis for the effectiveness of manual therapy in the treatment of tension headaches. It is called, the Muscle Dural Connection. They discovered a tissue bridge between a muscle at the base of the skull and the membranous covering of the brain and spinal cord called dura. It is this evidence that supports the anatomical basis for the rationale behind the long-standing success of chiropractic treatment that decreases muscle tension and thereby reduces or eliminates pain by reducing the potential forces exerted on the dura via the muscle-dura connection.

      There are many ways that chiropractic treatment can help relieve and prevent headaches. This is accomplished by determining the causative factors such as stress (muscle tension), allergies, diet, eye strain, and biochemical changes, which can all affect the vascular and neurological systems leading to headaches. Once this is determined the proper treatment and patient education can be given to allow the headache sufferer to live a more functional and emotional lifestyle without depending on medications.

      If you or someone you know suffers from headaches call and make an appointment and see what In Motion can do for you?

    • Jaw Pain

      Do you experience a clicking or popping of the jaw, frequent headaches, ringing in the ears, dizziness, or difficulty smiling or swallowing?

      You may be suffering from Temporomandibular Disorder, sometimes called TMD or TMJ. The experts at In Motion can help. 

      TMD can be the result of stress, tooth-grinding, jaw-clenching, or something more serious like misalignment of the teeth or a sports or accident-related injury. In Motion understands the pain and discomfort of TMD. We’re here to help. At In Motion, our multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals will diagnose the cause of your TMD and provide personalized care and attention. Our chiropractors, physical therapists and physicians work together to relieve your pain and solve the underlying problem. 

      At In Motion, you’ll visit with our healthcare providers in a relaxed and comfortable setting. Our offices are exquisitely appointed and offer the latest in integrated, multi-disciplinary care. The staff at In Motion is warm and inviting. Our healthcare team includes board-certified chiropractors, physical therapists, and physicians, who have extensive experience in the treatment of TMD. At In Motion, you will receive comprehensive treatment that may include specialized manual therapy, physical therapy, personalized jaw exercises and, if necessary, medication. The team at In Motion also specializes in lifestyle modification and emotional stress therapy.

    • Middle Back Pain

      The mid-back is the middle region of the spine and contains the spinal bones called thoracic vertebrae.

      Each of these bones is connected to two opposing ribs.  The mid-section of the spine is also connected to a variety of muscles and connective tissue that make up the middle portion of your back.  The thoracic vertebrae, like the rest of the spinal column, also provide protection for the nerves of your spine and your spinal cord.  Due to a smaller range of motion, the mid-back is less susceptible to the injury, wear and tear that affects the upper and lower back.  However, active lifestyles, posture, office environments and other influences can cause pain and discomfort in the mid-back.  If you are experiencing pain in the mid-back, you should contact the healthcare experts at In Motion today. 

      Pain in the mid-back is most commonly caused by injury or irritation to the muscles and connective tissues.  This can happen because of improper rehabilitation from a prior injury, poor posture, stress, exercise, and long hours spent sitting at computers.  A more serious mid-back condition can occur when the spinal bones become misaligned, leading to muscle strain, spasm and nerve dysfunction.  Mid-back pain can be the result of extraordinary circumstances or something as simple as the way you sit at your desk.  If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your mid-back, the experts at In Motion can help.

      In Motion applies multi-disciplinary team therapy to ease your pain and cure the disorder.  Our chiropractors are specialists in hands-on manipulation of mid-back muscles, ligaments and spinal bones.  With our expert physical therapists and massage therapists working together, In Motion will apply the latest techniques and use the most advanced technology to diagnose and treat your condition.

    • Lower Back Pain

      What is acute low back pain?

      Acute low back pain (LBP) is defined as low back pain present for up to six weeks. It may be experienced as aching, burning, stabbing, sharp or dull, well-defined, or vague. The intensity may range from mild to severe and may fluctuate. The pain may radiate into one or both buttocks or even into the thigh/hip area. Low back pain may begin following a strenuous activity or jarring trauma, but often is seemingly unrelated to a specific activity. The pain may begin suddenly or develop gradually.

      What causes low back pain?

      The exact source of acute LBP is often difficult to identify. In fact, there are numerous possible pain producers including muscles, soft connective tissue, ligaments, joint capsules and cartilage, and blood vessels. These tissues may be pulled, strained, stretched or sprained. Additionally, annular tears (small tears that occur in the outer layer of the intervertebral disc) can initiate severe pain. Even if the actual tissue damage is minor, and likely to repair quickly, the pain experienced may be quite severe.

      No matter which tissue is initially irritated, a cascade of events occurs which contributes to the pain experience. Numerous chemical substances are released in response to tissue irritation. These substances “stimulate” the surrounding pain sensitive nerve fibers, resulting in the sensation of pain. Some of these chemicals trigger the process of inflammation, or swelling, which also contributes to pain. The chemicals associated with this inflammatory process feed back more signals which perpetuate the process of swelling. The inflammation attributable to this cycle of events may persist for days to weeks. 

      Muscular tension (spasm) in the surrounding tissues may occur resulting in a “trunk shift” (the body tilts to one side more than the other) due to muscular imbalance. Additionally, a relative inhibition or lack of the usual blood supply to the affected area may occur so that nutrients and oxygen are not optimally delivered and removal of irritating byproducts of inflammation is impaired.

      How long will an episode of low back pain last?

      The good news is that even if the exact source of pain is not determined, usually the acute pain subsides spontaneously over time. The originally irritated tissue heals. Fifty percent of episodes nearly completely resolve within two weeks, and 80% by six weeks. 

      Unfortunately, the duration and severity of a single episode cannot be predicted based on the onset, location of pain, or even the initial severity. Excruciating initial pain may resolve within several days, while moderate or mild symptom may persist for weeks. However, up to 30% of individuals will experience recurrent pain or develop persistent pain in the future.

      How should acute LBP be managed?

      Some of the best advice for treatment for acute LBP is to continue to remain active “as tolerated”. Continuing to perform everyday activities may seem counterintuitive, and the natural inclination may be to stay in bed or “freeze”, to guard and avoid activity. Yet, activity keeps blood and nutrients flowing to the affected area, inhibiting inflammation and reducing muscular tension. Many individuals with LBP find that they can perform their usual, but more controlled cardiovascular activities, such as walking, in spite of the pain and often feel better after the activity. More vigorous or uncontrolled activities such as weight lifting or competitive or contact sports are inadvisable while pain is severe. 
      Local application of heat or ice can temporarily reduce pain and heat may facilitate stretching, but does not necessarily speed long term recovery.

      The multi-disciplinary Health Team at In Motion is ideally suited to help you manage your low back pain.  The chiropractors at In Motion will perform a detailed history and physical examination to determine the specific pain generator in your condition.  As specialists in manual therapy, Doctors of Chiropractic will provide you with a plan to get you out of pain, and stay that way.  When appropriate you will be referred to the other members of the Health Team, providing you with an unmatched array of professional services under one roof.  We will get you back in motion, and help you stay that way.

      Chronic Low Back Pain

      Low back pain is considered to be chronic if it has been present for greater than three months. Chronic low back pain may originate from an injury, disease or stresses on different structures of the body. The type of pain may vary greatly and may be felt as bone pain, nerve pain or muscle pain. The sensation of pain may also vary. For instance, pain may be achy, burning, stabbing or tingling, sharp or dull, and well-defined or vague. The intensity may range from mild to severe. 

      Many times, the source of the pain is not known or cannot be specifically identified. In fact, in many instances, the condition or injury that triggered the pain may be completely healed and undetectable, but the pain may still continue to bother the patient. Nevertheless, even if the original cause of the pain is healed or unclear, the pain felt by the patient is real and the treating physician knows this.

      Chronic low back pain may be the result by many different conditions. It may start from diseases, injuries or stresses to a number of different anatomic structures including bones, muscles, ligaments, joints, nerves or the spinal cord. The affected structure sends a signal through nerve endings, up the spinal cord and into the brain where it registers as pain. 

      A number of different theories have developed to try to explain chronic pain but the exact mechanism is not completely understood. In general, it is believed that the nerve pathways that carry the pain signals from the nerve endings through the spinal cord and to the brain may become sensitized. Sensitization of these pathways may increase the frequency or intensity with which pain is perceived. A stimulus that is usually not painful, such as light touch, can be amplified or changed by these sensitized pathways and experienced as pain. Sometimes, even after the original injury or disease process has healed, sensitized pathways continue to send signals to the brain. These signals feel just as real and sometimes worse than the pain caused by the original injury or disease process.

      What treatments are available?

      Treatments for chronic back pain can vary greatly depending on the type and source of the pain. If a treatable source of the pain is found, then the underlying process can be addressed. When the underlying cause is either not specifically identifiable or not amenable to treatment, then the symptoms are treated. The goals of the treatment are to reduce pain, improve quality of life and increase function. 

      There are several different general categories of treatment that are usually recommended for chronic back pain. These categories include chiropractic, physical therapy, medications, coping skills and acupuncture. In Motion will tailor a program involving a combination of these options to address your needs.

      How is chronic low back pain diagnosed?

      As mentioned earlier, chronic low back pain is defined as back pain that lasts greater than three months. During the evaluation of chronic back pain, the goal is to rule out any injuries or disease processes that place the patient at risk of further injury if not treated or addressed. In addition, a specialist will consider diagnoses that can be treated in order to reduce the pain. A good patient history and a thorough physical examination by a member of the In Motion Health Team are the most important aspects of the evaluation. Serious injuries and illnesses can often be diagnosed or ruled out based on the history and physical exam alone. Lack of a definite diagnosis does not necessarily mean more testing is needed. Needless tests do not add anything to what the doctor has already discovered in his or her physical examination and review of previously performed studies and treatments. In fact, unnecessary testing is not only expensive to the patient, but can expose the patient to unnecessary risks or radiation. 


    • Pregnancy Related Back Pain

      Combining manual therapy and exercise is one of the best things that can be done to relieve the expectant mother's pain without the use of drugs which can be harmful to her unborn child and thus contraindicated during pregnancy. Pregnant women suffer from low back pain during pregnancy due to the physical changes their bodies are undergoing which are further complicated by the hormonal changes that are taking place during the pregnancy. As a result of the great weight in the front of the body, the center of gravity shifts more toward the back of the body, causing the normal spinal curve to increase and also the hip joints to rotate outward and the arches of the feet to flatten. Affected joints are supported by ligaments which are softened during the pregnancy by a hormone known as Relaxin. Relaxin, which is produced by the woman's ovaries primarily affect the joints in the pelvis, softening them and preparing them for stretching during childbirth.

      In Motion understands the changes in your body and will generate a plan tailored to your needs. Our Doctors of Chiropractic can check the spine to insure that the pelvis and vertebra are functioning together as a unit and are properly balanced. All this is extremely important for the pregnant woman who needs to have her body as healthy and strong as possible in order to handle the rigors of pregnancy and childbirth.

      A comprehensive rehabilitation program with our Physiotherapist can provide the pre-natal or post-natal patient with a means to manage the pain and discomfort often associated with pregnancy.

      Pregnancy massage is provided by using a variety of techniques while focusing on the therapeutic needs of the client as she goes through physical and emotional changes.

      Benefits of Massage Therapy for Pregnancy:

      - Relieves stress and promotes relaxation
      - Relieves muscle spasms, cramping, and myofascial pain
      - Relieves headache discomfort
      - Increases circulation of blood and lymph
      - Relieves stress on weight-bearing joints
      - Provides emotional support and nurturing touch
      - Includes an ongoing educational exchange about the process of relaxation, breathing, and visualization which helps facilitate the clients' response during the labor process.

      Our registered massage therapists utilize a pregnancy pillow to allow clients the option to receive a massage in a more comfortable position.

    • Shoulder pain

      The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body and shoulder pain is a common experience.

      The shoulder has four tendons, which are connective tissues that join muscle to bone.  These four tendons, called the “rotator cuff,” are subject to injury and discomfort due to a wide range of causes.  If you experience shoulder pain, the multidisciplinary team of chiropractors, physicians and physical therapists at In Motion can help.

      There are many causes of shoulder pain including swelling, inflammation, changes in the bone, and tearing of the tendons.  Arthritis and degenerative conditions, as well as the natural aging process, also cause shoulder pain.  Normal wear and tear may result in shoulder tendonitis, an inflammation of the tendons.  This occurs due to the shoulder’s wide range of motion and can be worsened by sports like baseball and tennis, in which the shoulder is extensively used.  Other shoulder conditions include bursitis - an inflammatory disorder, shoulder dislocation, shoulder separation, fracture, inflamed tendons near the shoulder, and “frozen shoulder syndrome,” which occurs when the shoulder is not moved due to a prior injury.  If you are experiencing any kind of shoulder pain, In Motion offers a comprehensive team approach to diagnosis and treatment.  We will help you return to a pain-free and active lifestyle with the finest healthcare expertise and state-of-the-art manual therapies. 

      At In Motion, we know how to treat shoulder pain and injury.  Our multidisciplinary approach incorporates comprehensive physical therapy with recuperative exercise for total wellness of being.  Our chiropractors, physical therapists and massage therapists specialize in treating pain and the disorders that cause pain. Our physical therapists are experts in rehabilitation and will help you learn how you can help yourself recover from shoulder injury.  When necessary, we will prescribe medication or provide corticosteroid injections to lessen pain and quicken recovery.  Whatever the cause of your shoulder pain, the professionals at In Motion will diagnose and treat it using cutting-edge technology and the finest medical attention.

    • Elbow Pain

      The elbow is a source of frequent pain and discomfort, especially in physically active people. 

      Elbow pain is often the result of injury, overuse, strain, or can occur due to a more serious injury.  If you are experiencing elbow pain, contact the healthcare professionals at In Motion.  Our upscale offices are located on Lambton Mall Rd, beside the Bank of Montreal.  Our multidisciplinary team of chiropractors, physicians and physical therapists will help you return to an active and pain-free life.

      Elbow pain can be caused by a variety of conditions.  Some disorders may be serious; most are not.  Pain in the elbow can be caused by an inflammatory condition like tendonitis, arthritis or bursitis, or may be a tendinosis, a chronic injury resulting from repetitive movements at work, playing racquet sports or golf.  Discomfort of the elbow can also be caused by overuse of the wrist, manual work such as using a screwdriver, or by a small fracture or irritation of the nerve.  If you are experiencing pain in your elbow, contact In Motion today.  We can help.

      The experts at In Motion specialize in pain management, physical therapy and rehabilitation.  For elbow pain, we use sophisticated manual therapies and rehabilitation to correct the cause of your condition.  Our chiropractors, physicians, and physical therapists will work together to ensure your return to a pain-free, active life.  The healthcare specialists at In Motion know that an active lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle.  If your pain is the result of a sports injury, we’ll have you back on the tennis court or golf course in no time.

    • Knee Pain

      Knee pain is common and may be experienced due to many different reasons. 

      The knee bears the weight of the upper body and is often stretched and strained in many directions.  Knee injury is frequent among athletes, including professionals and “weekend warriors.”  Conditions involving the knee can be minor disorders or bigger problems requiring serious medical attention.  If you are experiencing knee pain, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at In Motion.  Our team of chiropractors, physical therapists and sports rehabilitation experts is here to serve you with expert medical attention and exquisite personal care. 

      Knee pain can come from an inflammatory condition such as arthritis, bursitis, or tendonitis.  It can also be the result of a sprain or strain, dislocated kneecap, injury to the cartilage tissue in the knee - called the meniscus, or any number of conditions particular to the knee.  Knee pain can even be a symptom of gout or may be caused by disorders of other parts of the body such as the hip.  In Motion offers a comprehensive team approach to knee care.  Our beautifully appointed offices are the best place to attend for a diagnosis of knee pain and injury.  Our multidisciplinary team of chiropractors, physicians, physical therapists and massage therapists will identify the cause of your pain and provide personalized treatment options.

      The team at In Motion knows that physical therapy is important treatment for knee pain.  Our physiotherapists are licensed experts in their field and will treat you with soothing care and attention you won’t find anywhere else.  The In Motion chiropractors are experts in orthopedic diagnosis and manual therapyensuring that you receive a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for your knee condition. Whether your pain comes from simple wear and tear, overuse or misuse, or is more serious and requires prescription medication or surgery, the professionals at In Motion possess the knowledge and expertise to help you recover your health and return to an active, healthy lifestyle.

    • Ankle/Foot Pain

      The foot is composed of 26 bones, 4 arches, and countless muscles, veins, arteries, nerves, joints, and fascia. Beyond that, we rely on the foot repeatedly throughout the day to walk, run and stand. The feet take a lot of abuse; it's easy to understand why they're so prone to injury. We've outlined some of the most common injuries we see and treat in our clinic.

      Achilles Tendonitis/Tendonosis: The Achilles tendon is made up of the tendons from two muscles in the lower leg, the gastrocnemius and the soleus. It attaches onto the top/back portion of the calcaneus (heel bone) and is the largest tendon in the body, being able to withstand over 1,000 lbs. of pressure. Although it is strong, it is also the most commonly ruptured tendon. Micro tears occur in the tendon causing inflammation in the area. The patient feels pain at the back of the heel, typically after periods of rest or during jumping, and starting/stopping activities. Inflexible lower leg muscles, over pronation of the feet, and changes in footwear and training schedules are all causes of this condition.

      Bunions: Bunions are seen at the side of the base of the big toe. It looks like an enlargement of the joint. They form when the big toe bends laterally towards the other toes, a condition also known as Hallux Abducto Valgus. Bunions can result from abnormal bone formation in the first metatarsalphalangeal joint. Poor foot mechanics are often genetic and can lead to this problem. Other things such as injuries to the foot and 1st toe, flat/pronated feet, and poor footwear can also be a cause. People with bunions complain of pain from the pressure of their footwear, redness and swelling in and around the joint, the motion of the first toe is very restricted, and their other toes are affected either by hammer toes, calluses or corns.

      Acute Compartment Syndrome:

      - Can take several hours to develop
      - When the pressure exceeds the blood pressure within the compartment, the blood vessels collapse
      - Without nutrients the tissues can die within hours
      - Common causes of ACS include badly bruised muscles, complications after surgery, circulation blockage, crushed foot, and major changes in activity level

      Chronic Compartment Syndrome:

      - Pain and swelling typically due to exercise
      - Improves with rest
      - Numbness and difficulty moving foot
      - Muscles feel "tight" or "full"
      - The pain stops relatively quickly after ending activity but the pressure can remain elevated for some time

      Corns: The formation of dead skin cells that develop on the top, sides and tips of the toes. The core of the corn is usually cone shaped with the point facing down. With pressure, the tip can press onto a nerve, making it even more painful. Corns may also become inflamed due to friction from footwear.

      Gout: Gout occurs most often in the big toe but can affect any joint of t he body. It usually occurs overnight (within 12-24 hours). It involves painful swelling of one joint at a time, sometimes two. After the first attack a person may go anywhere from one week to years without having another, growing more frequent and more severe with every attack. Without treatment, gout may cause chronic or continuous joint problems and damage.

      Uric acid is a natural chemical produced by the kidneys and is key in breaking down and building up food and body tissues. It is normally dissolved in the blood, but in the case of gout, crystal deposits form in the joint causing an inflammatory response.

      Genetics play a role in this disease as well as obesity, sudden weight gain, abnormal kidney function, excessive alcohol consumption, and some cancers. The relationship between uric acid levels in the blood stream and gout is unclear. People with high levels of uric acid in their blood do not always have gout and visa versa.

      Hammer Toes: Hammertoes can affect any of the toes except the big toe and is most commonly seen in the second toe. It happens when the ligaments and tendons tighten and pull the toe downwards. The bend occurs in the proximal inter phalangeal joint (PIP) with the base of the toe pointing up and the bottom of the toe pointing down. Most people will not notice the initial signs of a hammertoe until a corn appears on the top of the bend in the toe. The corn develops due to the pressure and friction on the joint, typically from footwear. It will be noticeably painful while wearing tight fitting shoes.

      There are two separate types of Hammer Toes;

      a) Flexible - can move actively and straighten passively (with help from fingers) and
      b) Rigid - movement in this case would be limited and painful. Hammer Toes can be hereditary but tight shoes are mostly the cause. Weak muscles in the foot and ankle can also be a factor.

      Morton's Neuroma: A condition where nerve(s) are being "squeezed" by the toes and surrounding tissues of the foot, typically between the 3rd and 4th toe. Symptoms of this condition include sharp pain, burning, and even a lack of feeling in the affected area. Morton's Neuroma may also cause numbness, tingling, or cramping in the forefoot. You may experience this after prolonged walking or standing.

      Metatarsalgia: A painful condition in the metatarsal area of the foot (the ball of the foot). Pain is typically located under the 2nd, 3rd and 4th toes and is most prominent under the 1st toe (big toe). One or more of the metatarsal heads become inflamed due to extended pressure on the forefoot. Improper fitting shoes are a common cause.

      Plantar Fasciitis: The plantar fascia is a band of connective tissue running from the heel into the toes and serves to support the bottom of the foot. It takes a bulk of the load when you are weight bearing. When the fascia and surrounding tissues aren't stretched/used regularly there are allowed to shorten. A shortened plantar fascia is more likely to tear when asked to stretch past its capacity (sometimes all it takes is weight bearing). The most common symptom of this condition is pain in the heel on 1st step, in the morning or after a period of rest.

      The calcaneus is the largest bone in your foot and takes the most pressure when weight bearing. A heel spur can develop at the lower frontal area of the calcaneus, where the plantar fascia attaches. When under stress, the plantar fascia pulls away from the bone causing your body to lay down calcium (building block for bone) in an attempt to strengthen the area.

      Many people have a spur and don't know it because a spur alone does not cause pain. Rarely are there cases of the spur "poking" into tissue resulting in pain. A spur is mainly just evidence that you may have plantar fasciitis.

      Shin Splints: Characterized by inflammation of the sheath of the periosteum (bone) of the tibia (shin bone). This may happen on the outer side (lateral) or the inside/back of the tibia. Most describe the onset of pain as gradual, starting as a dull ache after walking or running. The area of pain is typically localized, being 4-6 inches in length on the mid region of the bone. The muscles that attach to the tibia (soleus, flexor digitorum longus, tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior) often feel sore as well. Causes may include overuse, running on hard surfaces, tip toe running, high arches, and bad shoes and arch support. There is an increased risk of stress fractures occurring if this condition is left untreated.

      Sprains: An overstretching or tearing of a ligament. The most commonly damaged ligament is the anterior talo-fibular ligament of the ankle. Risks of injury include poor rehabilitation of a previous sprain, poor proprioception of a previously sprained ankle, and weak ankle muscles. There are three different types of sprains:

      1. 1st Degree Sprain: There is some overstretching and tearing of the ligament and little or no functional loss of the ankle. There is mild pain on weight bearing and some swelling and stiffness.
      2. 2nd Degree Sprain: There is more tearing than a first degree sprain, moderate instability, moderate to severe pain on rest and severe pain on weight bearing. Swelling and stiffness are also present.
      3. 3rd Degree Sprain: The ligament is completely ruptured; there is functional loss and gross instability. Many times there is severe pain right after the injury followed by no pain at all. Swelling is typically severe. 

      Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: Signified by the entrapment of the tibial nerve inside the ankle. Patient has tingling and numbness in the sole of the foot that worsens throughout the day. Rest and elevation lessen the symptoms. The tibial nerve bends around behind the medial malleolus, making it more prone to injury. Surrounding structures can also impinge the nerve if they are swollen or inflamed. Things like flat pronated feet, a cyst or lesion in the area, Rheumatoid Arthritis, fractures or other misalignments to a joint can cause this condition.

    • Wrist Pain Treatments

      Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

      Wrist and hand pain can be debilitating; impacting all of your daily activities and keeping you from work, rest and play.  The experts at In Motion can diagnose your condition and provide an integrated, team approach to help get you back in motion.  One of the most common conditions impacting the wrist and hand is carpal tunnel syndrome.

      The carpal tunnel is a small passage in the wrist that is made up of bones(carpals) on three sides and the transverse carpal ligament on top. The tunnel contains flexor tendons, that serve to flex the fingers, and it provides a pathway for the median nerve to supply the hand. Repetitive flexion and extension of the wrist may cause swelling of the tenosynovium, referred to as tenosynovitis. Due to the limited space in the carpal tunnel, the tenosynovitis applies increased pressure on the median nerve producing carpal tunnel symptoms. 

      Although it is widely accepted as The cause for the syndrome, the carpal tunnel isn't the only area of the body where the median nerve may be impinged. We must take into account that nerves travel directly from the spinal cord, bundle together to form part of the brachial plexus, and go all the way into the extremities. Therefore, the disturbance of the nerve could take place anywhere along that path. 

      To use an analogy, we all remember how a kink in a garden hose affects the water coming out the opening. The hose either expels less water or no water at all, depending on the ser verity of the kink. The same goes for your nerves. You can have a slight or extreme impingement that would affect the nerve and what it supplies, from that point forward.

      The complexity of wrist and hand pain makes it essential to consult an expert for a diagnosis and proactive treatment plan.  The multi-disciplinary Health Team at In Motion will provide you with the answers you need and a plan to get you back in action.


  • Motor Vehicle Accident / Workplace Injury

    The team at In Motion is well-versed in the management of both motor vehicle and workplace-related injuries. We are licensed certified providers under WSIB and HCAI/FSCO 

    Our ultimate goal is to return you to pre-accident status, which may involve multiple health care providers in a program tailored to your unique injury. This approach ensures recovery of full function, in addition to avoidance of further injury.

    Find out how we can help you today! To prevent a delay in therapy, we request you provide your claim number, case manager or adjuster, and any pertinent injury details at the time of assessment. 

What are your symptoms

Take the first step and see what could be causing your symptoms. Then let us help you learn about possible next steps. 

Dr. Brendan Carney Kilian

Chiropractor | Clinic Director

Dr. Brendan Carney Kilian graduated from the University of Waterloo with an Honours Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology – Pre-health Professions Option) in 2002 and from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in June 2006, Magna Cum Laude with Clinic Honours. Dr. Carney Kilian has completed certification training in the area of strength and conditioning with the NSCA and has over twenty years experience in the fitness industry. He has special interests in musculoskeletal injury rehabilitation, weight management, and individualized program design. Dr. Carney Kilian has taken additional training as a Certified Golf Performance Therapist, a Spine certified Active Release Techniques® (ART) Provider and has completed the Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Course through McMaster University.. From his small town roots, Dr. Carney Kilian emphasizes a patient-centered approach that stresses patient education and long-term successes. 

Dr. Carney Kilian opened In Motion: Health – Wellness – Fitness to provide an innovative Pain Management, Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention solutions for the residents of Sarnia-Lambton.

Dr. Jane Pilkey


Dr. Jane received her Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology from McMaster University and went on to graduate from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in 2011. She furthered her education by becoming a Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Provider in 2013. Dr. Jane takes special interest in prenatal and pediatric care and is working towards obtaining a residency in pediatrics through the ICPA.

Dr. Jane is an evidence based practitioner that focuses on a patient-centered approach to care; she emphasizes patient education and promotes an active lifestyle to help keep patients both pain free and fully functional. She maintains professional affiliations with the Canadian Chiropractic Association and the Ontario Chiropractic Association in addition to being a registered service provider for the Department of Veterans Affairs, RCMP, and WSIB. 

Originally from Sarnia, Jane was born into an active family and grew up a competitive figure skater, swimmer, soccer player, and golfer. Her love of sport and volunteer work as a coach and athletic trainer with various teams has resulted in immense experience dealing with athletic injuries. She looks forward to her future with In Motion and helping her clients to remain active.

Dr. Joel Simpson


Dr. Joel Simpson was born and raised in Corunna. He attended Western University where he received an Honours Specialization Bachelor of Arts (Kinesiology) in 2010. From there he graduated from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in 2016.

Dr. Joel has completed his certification as a  strength and conditioning professional with the NSCA, Functional Movement Systems and Selective Functional Movement Analysis. Dr. Joel focuses on patient centred care utilizing short term and long term goals. This is done through a variety of treatment techniques in order to keep patients pain free but also maintain an active lifestyle in the future.

Amanda Sargent

Registered Massage Therapist

A local girl, Amanda Sargent was born and raised in Sarnia and attended Lambton College. Prior to becoming a Registered Massage Therapist in 2003, Amanda spent time in the healthcare setting as a nursing student and a personal support worker. Amanda has gained experience working as part of a multi-disciplinary healthcare team, at Canada’s leading facility for comprehensive healthcare assessments, and in a small family chiropractic office. Amanda has additional training in fascial release, advanced lumbar spine techniques, and Neuromuscular Integration and Structural Alignment (NISA). Amanda has special interests in pregnancy and deep tissue massage. She is excited to be back home to serve her local community as a member of In Motion’s Health Team.

Jenn Van Horne

Registered Massage Therapist

Born in Sarnia, Jenn was raised and currently resides in Corunna.  She graduated from SCITS high school and then from the 3 year massage therapy program at Lambton College in 2007.  During that time she took special interest in treating those with chronic pain.  Jenn has taken courses in soft tissue release and deep tissue massage.  She is experienced in treating MVA injuries, clients in severe, chronic pain, pregnant and elderly clients as well as repetitive strain and sports injuries.  She incorporates the use of hydrotherapy into treatments whenever indicated to aide in fully releasing the tissue.

Shelley Dixon

Registered Massage Therapist

I am a new resident of Sarnia as of August 2023. I grew up in Ingersoll, then made London my home in the early 90's. The youngest of 6 children, my parents were always encouraging us to be active and live healthy lives. I attended Fanshawe College after high school for Fitness & Health Promotion and worked at the YMCA for many years teaching Aerobic Classes and Personal Training. In my mid 20's I ran two marathons and competed in several Triathlons. Nowadays, I enjoy Yoga, walking, cycling and lifting weights.

It wasn't until I was in my 30's that I decided to go back to school for Massage Therapy at D'Arcy Lane. During my 18 plus years as an RMT, I've had the opportunity to expand my knowledge by taking such courses as: Acupressure, Ultrasound Therapy, Deep Tissue Manipulation and Thai Massage.

I have a daughter and son, and a granddaughter. My partner has two daughters and a son. Family is very important to us. I never visited Sarnia until I met my partner who was born and raised here. Over the years, and our many trips to Sarnia for family functions and outings with friends, I came to love the area. Being so close to the water is truly a perk. Now, I find myself saying "I can't believe I actually live here".

As soon as I stepped through the doors of In Motion, I knew I found my new work home. Such a comfortable environment, and a group of talented individuals who truly love what they do was evident.  As part of the In Motion Team I am excited to be working alongside other like-minded Healthcare Professionals. I am eager to learn some new skills and help my clients attain their optimal health goals.  I also look forward to meeting you soon.

Vanessa Macedo

Registered Massage Therapist | Physiotherapist Assistant

Vanessa Macedo was born and raised in Sarnia. She attended and graduated from the two-year Massage Therapy program at Lambton College in 2023. Prior to becoming a Registered Massage Therapist, Vanessa attended and graduated from the two-year Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant program at Lambton College in 2021.

As an Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant student, Vanessa has gained knowledge in human movement and therapeutic exercise. As a Registered Massage Therapist, Vanessa has experience in the treatment of traumatic brain injuries, motor vehicle accidents, individuals with developmental and physical disabilities, and a variety of soft tissue dysfunctions. Vanessa utilizes General Swedish and Non-Swedish techniques, specialized massage techniques, hydrotherapy, and therapeutic exercise in the treatment of a variety of conditions and ailments when indicated. 

Vanessa is registered with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) and the Registered Massage Therapists Association of Ontario (RMTAO). Vanessa is excited to be starting her career and helping our local community as a member of the In Motion health team. 

Jamey Mihalich

Registered Massage Therapist | Rehabilitation Assistant

“Jamey graduated from the Massage Therapy program in 2011 and practiced for 10 years in Sarnia, Ontario. She then embarked on a new adventure, relocating to Nova Scotia to expand her career in both Massage Therapy and as a Rehabilitation Assistant.

Driven by a lifelong fascination with the human body and its natural healing abilities, Jamey intuitively gravitated towards massage therapy. She deeply enjoys building meaningful connections with her clients while providing effective and personalized treatments.

In her role as a Rehabilitation Assistant within a hospital setting, Jamey cherished the opportunity to connect with patients, encouraging movement and strength to help them maintain the highest possible quality of life.

Throughout her career, Jamey has consistently worked in multidisciplinary clinics, enriching her knowledge and expanding her skillset through diverse perspectives. Her practice incorporates a variety of techniques, including Swedish, deep tissue, cupping, and myofascial release, to deliver well-rounded treatments.

In the realm of Rehabilitation, Jamey prioritizes a fun and engaging approach to therapy, ensuring positive experiences for all her clients.

Outside of work, Jamey finds joy in exploring Ontario's diverse hiking trails, discovering new cafes, indulging in her love of reading, and cherishing quality time with family and friends.”

Kristi Kleinsmith

Personal Trainer | Physiotherapist Assistant

In 2000 Kristi earned herself a full tennis scholarship to Northern Illinois University where she spent four years playing tennis for the Huskies and earning her Bachelor's of Science Degree, with Honours, in Preventative and Rehabilitative Exercise Science. A minor in Exercise Gerontology was also achieved. She continued her education for two years on graduate assistantship and received her Master's of Science in Education focusing on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Leadership. Kristi has also obtained an American College of Sports Medicine certification (Certified Health and Fitness Specialist).

Kristi has experience working with people of all ages and fitness levels. She has experience working in different fitness industries such as corporate fitness, commercial fitness, and exercise gerontology. Kristi was a university professor at Northern Illinois University and Lambton College where she taught health and fitness, weight training and conditioning, tennis, volleyball, and badminton classes.

In 2018, Kristi became a Functional Patterns, Human Foundation Practitioner. This new system of personal training develops the human body as a whole organism. Learn how to correct your dysfunctions by assessing your current posture and gait cycle. Correct your biomechanics and bring the body into a state homeostasis and have it remain there for a lifetime. 

Her interests include spending time with her family outdoors, whether it is hiking, biking, swimming, kayaking, or skating. Her family likes to visit the local fruit, vegetable, and animal farms in the area. Discovering the Pinery Park and other parks in the area create new adventures and experiences. She is constantly learning more about how to be a healthy human for a lifetime and wants to share this knowledge with her family, friends, and clients.

Get ready to be motivated, encouraged, and challenged to your full potential. Let her ambitious and uplifting attitude guide you through various workouts and classes.

Adam Gray


Adam was born and raised in Sarnia.  He attended the University of Waterloo for his 4 year B.A, and after completing his studies, completed a 3½ year Podiatric Medicine program, at the Michener Institute of Applied Health Sciences/ University of Toronto Campus.  In addition, he has completed 3 years of internship in the Greater Toronto Area in various hospitals and private clinics. 

As a registered Chiropodist, his specialization includes, but is not limited to: lower limb, foot, and ankle injuries (sports medicine); dermatological and nail care; soft-tissue surgeries; nail surgeries; arch pain; biomechanical assessments, footwear, and orthotics; diabetic consultation/treatment; prescriptions for NSAID’s, antibiotics, and/or antifungals; pharmacological care and injections; compression stockings; and treatment using therapeutic modalities (TENS, ultrasound. Etc.)

Erika Vasconcelos

Registered Physiotherapist

Erika earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Therapy in Brazil in 2008 and completed her Bridging Program at the University of Toronto in 2016. During her journey to become a registered Physiotherapist in Canada, she had the opportunity to shadow an expert in the Myofascial Release Approach by John Barnes, which sparked her passion for this technique.

In 2017, Erika began taking specialized courses in Myofascial Release, which she now uses as her primary treatment strategy, along with Neurodevelopmental Therapy (NDT), orthopedic injury management, and manual therapy. This integrated approach allows her to address a wide range of issues, drawing on her diverse training to provide comprehensive care for her patients. With experience in both acute care and rehabilitation settings, Erika has witnessed significant improvements in her patients’ chronic pain, posture, movement patterns, muscle activation, and overall functionality.

Erika takes a holistic view of her patients, believing that understanding the whole person is key to effective treatment. Her goal is to empower individuals to transform their lives and guide them on their healing journeys. She begins with a thorough assessment to identify the root causes of symptoms related to the fascial system, which are unique to each individual. From there, she employs targeted hands-on techniques to address these issues and teaches self-care strategies for managing symptoms between visits. She also introduces specific exercises to enhance strength and mobility, helping patients regain movement and overcome limitations. Finally, Erika provides personalized education to help patients learn how to use their bodies correctly, reducing pain and enabling them to participate fully in their activities.

In her free time, Erika enjoys spending time with her family, exploring the outdoors, and staying active. She has a strong interest in neuroscience and emotional intelligence, fascinated by how the brain functions and its impact on the body’s interpretation to signals, judgement, behavior, movement, and overall well-being. Additionally, Erika is passionate about women's health and is eager to explore this area further in her career.

Jodi Rawcliffe

Office Manager

I was born in Michigan, raised in Corunna, ON.  I have more than 20 years of client relation experience and more than 10 years of managerial experience working for NCO.  In 2012 when NCO closed I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to go back to school.  I enrolled in the Medical Office Administration Program at Lambton College and graduated in 2014 at the top of my class.  While attending Lambton College I was the Campus Program Coordinator for the Ministry of Health campaign - Leave the Pack Behind, which focuses on Smoking Cessation for students.  I also gained experience working in a medical office environment as a work study and co-op student in the Lambton College Wellness Centre.I am married to my husband, Steve and we have 2 children – Alexis and Jaxon.  Alexis is currently attending the University of Ottawa and hopes to become a dentist.  Jaxon is an avid lacrosse and football player. I also have 2 furbabies – Chihuahuas, Martini and Skye.We love travelling, playing with our dogs, and watching Jaxon play lacrosse and football.

Erica Verberne

Client Relations

I was born and raised half in London, and the other half on a farm in Strathroy. I have worked in the administrative/customer service industry for 15+ years. In recent years, I have enjoyed the financial/accounting side to administration, but overall enjoy meeting new people and building on my customer service expertise. 

Among COVID downtime, I decided to become a First Aid/CPR instructor, and enjoy teaching to help build a safer community.

I love travelling, and have spent a year backpacking through New Zealand, as well as numerous trips to Key West. I have visited 16 countries so far and hope to continue exploring with my spouse, Adam, and my 3 children.

Alexis Rosandich

Client Relations

I was born in Sarnia, raised in Corunna. After graduating from SCITS highschool in 2013, I enrolled at the University of Ottawa. There, I received my Bachelor of Health Sciences and graduated in 2017.
I have two children, Scarlett, 3, and Sebastian, 2, who I have stayed home with since they were born.
In my free time I enjoy cooking and baking, especially experimenting with new recipes. I also love to read and I aim to read at least one book a week for the entire year!

Stefanie Senior

Registered Dietitian & Sports Nutritionist

Stefanie Senior is one of the leading registered dietitians and sports nutritionists in Toronto. She specializes in weight management, eating for exercise and athletic performance, and corporate wellness.Stefanie Senior, RD offers registered dietitian and sports nutrition services in the GTA and runs a private practice at Athletic Edge Sports Medicine and online via Skype for In Motion. Stefanie offers nutrition counselling, weight management programs and support groups and creates customized meal plans based on food preferences, lifestyle and goals.  Stefanie is also a professor in food and nutrition at the Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts at George Brown College and the in-house dietitian and spokesperson for the CBC Live Right Now campaign.Stefanie is a professional speaker who uses dynamic and interactive seminars to teach simple, powerful and sustainable strategies for achieving optimal health, energy and wellbeing. The energetic nutrition guru has appeared on CP24, CTV, Rogers Live, CBC television and radio, Canada AM and has interviewed for articles published in the Toronto Star, Canadian Living, Best Health Magazine, Chatelaine, the Huffington Post, and the Toronto Observer. Stefanie studied dietetics at the University of British Columbia and completed a post-graduate dietetic internship program at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. Previous to entering the field of dietetics, she did a Bachelor of Science degree, with a major in Psychology at the University of Guelph and worked as a Personal Trainer in Vancouver, British Columbia.Stefanie has a unique approach to her practice and provides advice that is realistic, easy to follow and emphasizes stepwise change, balance and flexibility. She is a firm believer that small, gradual changes to an individual’s eating and exercising regimen coupled with patience, commitment and a positive attitude can lead to permanent lifestyle change and a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.In her spare time, Stefanie enjoys being active, cooking, travelling and experiencing the newest restaurants and food trends in Toronto and across the globe. Stefanie is excited to join the In Motion Team to offer high quality nutrition and weight loss couseling via Skype.

Shalom Okorosobo

Registered Physiotherapist

Shalom Okorosobo is a kind and compassionate Registered Physiotherapist (PT) who graduated with highest honours from the University of Toronto Master of Science in Physical Therapy program in 2022. She also graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Ottawa Honours Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics program in 2020.

Shalom is very excited to become a part of the In Motion Team who are focused on helping patients achieve their health goals. She believes in treating the whole body and using a combination of hands-on manual therapy techniques and exercise prescription to help patients feel better. She believes in the proponents of stretching and strengthening  as well as using breathwork to ramp down the nervous system. 

In addition to Physiotherapy, Shalom has also worked as a student Athletic Therapist working with sports teams such as volleyball, rugby, soccer, basketball, and hockey. Shalom enjoyed the therapeutic taping and preventative side of things as well as the on-field assessments and first aid. Outside of work, Shalom enjoys singing and is a part of a concert choir. She also enjoys going for walks as well as reading fantasy novels and playing fantasy video games.

Akhy Bhushan

Registered Physiotherapist

Akhy completed his undergraduate degree in Health Sciences at UOttawa and went on to complete his masters degree in physiotherapy at McMaster University. He has taken further education and is certified in concussion management and is currently developing his skills further in the McMaster contemporary Neurofunctional Acupuncture course.

Akhy has a background in playing many competitive sports, namely soccer and martial arts. Akhy has a huge passion in helping others heal as his own injuries through life have motivated him to be a physical therapist. Akhy prioritizes finding a diagnosis and using his knowledge of anatomy and physiology to develop evidence based exercise care plans to help patients overcome obstacles to mobility. By understanding that everyone is a unique individual, with unique anatomical abilities and levels, Akhy works with each patient to ensure a plan is best suited for you. Akhy is an virtual practitioner at this location and only provides sessions via zoom online.